List of animal protection associations in the United States
Associations active in 2023
Our aim is to bring together in this list all the associations, shelters or care centers working to help animals.
Automatic registration
You wish to join the list: Use the form at the bottom of the page to add your organization free of charge.
Animal protection
Help families in USA find their lost pets more easily by sharing the list on social networks.
List of animal protection associations in the United States
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is the list of associations up to date in 2022?
Yes, it is. It's a recent list, created by voluntary entries from the shelters and associations themselves. You can refer to it and share it if you need to.
2. What should I do if I lose my pet?
Start by searching for your pet in the surrounding area, talking to your neighbors, reporting the disappearance to the local authorities, and contacting the nearest shelter for advice.
3. How can I join the list of associations?
If you belong to an animal protection association, you can register free of charge, with the agreement of your organization's management, using the form at the bottom of the page.
4. Do associations have to pay to join the list?
No, subscribing to the list is free and you can share it freely. Less than an hour after registration, a confirmation email is sent to the association to verify its information.
5. Where do I go if I find a lost or abandoned pet?
Go to the nearest shelter or vet. If the animal is fitted with a microchip, professionals can report it to the BuddyID or any microchip national registration to inform the owner.
6. How can I help associations distribute the list?
To help families quickly identify the nearest associations, you can share this list on your social networks and/or mention it in your blog posts and websites.