Maximize the performance of your RoG® Master & Speeder GPS kit for successful hunting

You are a passionate hunter in search of cutting-edge technology to maximize your performance with your hunting dogs in the field? Look no further; there are now highly versatile GPS kits specially designed to accompany you even in the most remote areas. One such example is the RoG® Master & Speeder GPS Kit that we have tested for you. With its advanced features and high precision, this hunting dog GPS tracking system offers you a unique hunting experience. In this article, we will explore some of the key features of this revolutionary kit. From hybrid GPS VHF technology to pairing with your smartphone via SIM card, along with the real range in hilly terrain and training options, discover how the RoG® Master & Speeder GPS Kit can enhance your hunting practice!

Maximize the performance of your RoG® Master & Speeder GPS kit for successful hunting

Advanced Technology for Unrivaled Precision

The first RoG® GPS kit is a true concentration of advanced technologies specially designed for experienced hunters seeking unparalleled precision in tracking their hunting dogs. Indeed, the hybrid technology of the RoG® Master & Speeder GPS Kit combines the best of both worlds. Equipped with GPS VHF pairing and tracer search with SIM card via smartphone (positioning accuracy at 16.40 feet [5 m] in VHF and 49.21 feet [15 m] in GSM), this kit provides a complete solution for the tracking and training of your faithful four-legged companions.

From the first uses, you will be impressed by the power and reliability of this tracking system. In VHF mode, the RoG® Master & Speeder GPS Kit allows you to pair your Master unit with up to 20 Speeder collars, ensuring simultaneous tracking of each of your dogs. The advantage of VHF mode is that it does not require a SIM card, similar to Garmin or Sportdog GPS. You can thus focus on hunting with peace of mind, without worrying about network coverage.

But that's not all; the RoG® Master & Speeder GPS Kit also allows you to switch to GSM mode, using a SIM card for extended connectivity. In this mode, the Master unit transmits tracer information to your smartphone via Bluetooth, allowing you to view the real-time location of your hunting dogs on a map. Thanks to this feature, you remain constantly informed about their movements, even at a very long distance!

The Range of the RoG® Kit: A Reality in the Field

One of the main concerns of experienced hunters is the range of their GPS in VHF mode. After all, what could be more frustrating than losing the signal from your dogs due to limited range? Unlike the claims in the sales pitches of some competing brands, it's essential to know the real performance of the RoG® kit in the field.

The theoretical range of the RoG® kit in VHF mode has been carefully evaluated. According to tests conducted, the range can reach up to 9.32 miles [15 km] between the transmitter and the receiver, depending on the biotope. However, it's important to note that the range may vary depending on specific terrain conditions, especially in dense wooded areas and mountainous terrain. In these challenging environments, it's entirely normal for the range to be reduced. However, even in these conditions, the RoG® kit offers a base range two to three times higher than that of Garmin GPS collars, making it a wise choice in terms of efficiency and value for money. With the standard antenna, for example, the range can be measured between 1.86 and 3.10 miles [3-5 km].

For those looking to increase the range of their GPS kit, options are already available. RoG® offers its range of long-range antennas specifically designed for the Master & Speeder GPS kit. The RoG® Master & Dogtra roof antenna, measuring 40 ½ inches [103 cm] and sold with its magnetic base, is already available on the market. With this antenna, the range can be extended to a distance ranging from 3.72 to 9.32 miles [6-15 km], or even more in flat areas! This provides hunters with the peace of mind and confidence needed to track their dogs over greater distances, even in challenging terrain. The famous Ibiza V1 telescopic antenna has also been adapted for the Master unit.

The range of the RoG® kit is also optimized in GSM mode, where it becomes practically unlimited as long as the area is covered by the GSM network. Thanks to connectivity via SIM card, you can track the position of your dogs in real-time on your smartphone, no matter where you are. This opens up new possibilities for hunting and allows better coordination among hunters.

Features and Compatibility

When it comes to choosing a GPS kit for hunting, the features offered by the device are of paramount importance. Experienced hunters look for collars that meet their specific needs, including the ability to use long-range antennas and training features.

Regarding the compatibility of long-range antennas, it's important to note that antennas specific to Garmin GPS, such as roof antennas, telescopic or flexible antennas, are mostly not compatible with the RoG® GPS range, with some exceptions. However, the manufacturer is actively working on the development of a new range of diverse GPS antennas tailored for RoG® kits, which should be available in all gun shops in 2023. These new versions of antennas will allow hunters to further improve the range of their RoG® GPS kit and explore larger territories with confidence.

Regarding the training function, it is present on all collars in the RoG® range. Whether you use the Speeder S1 collar or the Speeder Mini collar, you benefit from advanced training features. These features include three distinct vibration durations and three levels of electrostatic stimulation intensity. This versatility allows you to tailor the training to each dog based on its needs, temperament, and sensitivity. Whether you want to reinforce recall commands or correct certain behaviors, the RoG® kit provides you with the necessary tools for effective and respectful training.

Comparison of ROG® Collar Performances

When examining the performances of ROG® collars, a common question that arises is whether there is a difference between the ROG® Speeder and ROG® Speeder Mini models. It is important to note that technically, there is no distinction between the two versions. The performances of Speeder and Speeder Mini collars are strictly identical.

The only difference lies in the size of the VHF beacon strap, which has been reduced to fit small dogs in the Mini version. However, this does not affect the performance of the collar in any way. Whether you choose the ROG® Speeder or ROG® Speeder Mini model, you can expect the same quality of operation and tracking. The orange collar strap measures 1" [2.54 cm] wide by 26.37 inches [67 cm] long, and you can easily adjust it to your canine's neck using the many notches provided for this purpose. Another notable difference is the strap of the ROG® Speeder Mini collar, which features a fluorescent white band, providing visual distinction between the two versions.

This equality of performance between these two GPS collars reflects ROG®'s commitment to providing solutions suitable for all types of dogs, from large Saint Hubert dogs to small dachshunds and other beagles. You understand that regardless of the breed of your companions, you can rely on the reliability and precision of ROG® collars to track their position and ensure their safety during your hunting expeditions!

A Profitable Investment for Your Hunting Sessions

The ROG® Master & Speeder GPS kit offers advanced technology and unparalleled precision for experienced hunters. With its GPS VHF pairing and tracking with tracker and SIM card via smartphone, it provides great flexibility in the field. Despite the challenges of difficult areas, the ROG® kit maintains a range superior to its competitors, ensuring reliable tracking of your hunting dogs. On the other hand, ROG® Speeder and ROG® Speeder Mini collars offer equivalent performances, suitable for all sizes of dogs. By investing in this kit, you benefit from advanced technology for an optimal hunting experience, inviting you to explore vast territories safely. Prepare to push the limits of your expeditions and experience exciting adventures thanks to this technological innovation!

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